Free Yourself From Fear And Enslavement

Break The Chains Of Enslavement

Think free all day long - Don't Let The Bastards Break You!

Money Is The Route Of All Evil

They Want Your Money - As Much As They Can Get!

Scales Of Justice?

Think Again Because It Is Not A Level Playing Field!

Freedom Is A State Of Mind

Think Free And You Can Be - Think Like Them And You Can't Be!

Freeman Movement - Lawful Rebellion - Freeman-on-the-Land

Site Information

Our sitemap is for easy navigation around the Freeman Movement websites. We must meet certain conditions too and we are happy to do this. In this section we have our Privacy Policy together with the terms and conditions. We also have an 'About Us' post and a simple 'Contact Us' form.

Freedom Blogs

The Freeman Movement covers all subjects about freedom. We cover Freeman-on-the-Land issues together with Lawful Rebellion. Our energies will go into helping people become free from the chains of enslavement. If you wish to make an in-depth post on the blogs, please do so.

Freedom Forum

We welcome new members to the Freedom Forum as well as old acquaintances. We have been around for years in some form or another of course. Many of you will remember our old name of Freedom Palace - yes we still exist! Join the Freedom Forum and mix with other like-minded people.
We can sum up the Freeman Movement with just two words - Peace and Abundance. Indeed, this is all people ever really need. However, as with most things in life, not everything is black and white. Generally speaking though, if we all had peace and abundance, the world would be a great place to live. But we haven't, and its not! This is because we are all members of 'The Society' and there are terms and conditions attached. Moreover, we need to live under the rules of that society whether we like them or not. In fact, we didn't even join the society, but we mostly do stick by the rules without thinking why. Basically, it comes down to being ruled by fear. There is freedom waiting for you, are you ready to break free yet?
Disclaimer: firstly, all content on this website is the work of individual people. As such, it's their own opinions and ideas. The content also does not necessarily reflect the views of the management team. This website does not intend to offer any legal advice, nor does it imply that it does so. Also, any published content on, or sub-domains thereof, is for information exchange and entertainment purposes only. It is up to each person to do their own research on matters that affect them and act responsibly. The management, does not, under any circumstances whatsoever, accept any responsibility for any advice or recommendations made by, or implied by, any member or visitor to our websites that results in any loss whatsoever to any member of our websites or anyone else. So, now that's over, let's get get on with the nitty-gritty!