The stresses and strains of modern living, especially in this world of deceptions, require a bit relaxation. These forums therefore are off topic and are there for us to talk about things not related to freedom. Obviously, we wont stop you from talking about Freeman-on-the-Land subjects. These forums will have blown your mind by what you have discovered so take a break.
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Off Topic Lounge You only live once, therefore we can do other things and chill out while we are seeking our freedoms. So, this forum is for topics with no connection to lawful rebellion, freeman-on-the-land, money or conspiracy theories etc.
Health and Wellbeing The pharmaceutical companies have it all their own way because they think they can control us with an expensive pill. But, there are other methods of healing the body. So, this forum is for health issues and promoting healthy living.
Funny and Cringeworthy Stuff In view of some of the more serious topics here, we invite you to chill out and have a laugh. Basically do what you want in this forum as long as we get a smile from it. Obviously, this is where the less serious off-topic items go.