Privacy Policy
The Freeman Movement needs to have a Privacy Policy while we operate on the internet.
This is one of the requirements, so we have to comply with them.
The policy has its own page here, so we are not going to repeat it in this post.
However, we are showing a few important points here:
In effect, when you visit any area of the Freeman Movement's web pages, it is assumed that you have consented to accept our cookies.
Also, we will never share information you provide to us with anyone else. Like any other organisation however, should you decide to post items that break what the law enforcers decide is suspect, then they can and will grab the information. There is little we can do to prevent this of course. That is why, as part of the rules, we say you must stay lawful and in many respects, legal.
At the Freeman Movement's website, we respect your privacy as you can see. Generally speaking, we are on the side of the people and not THEM!
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
The King