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Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

The police are not what we understand them to be. They should serve and protect, but most work against us. In fact, many are just full time revenue collectors working for a 'company' but they don't even know it!
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Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Milkman »

Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

What a bunch of complete fascist bullies some of the police are over in Wales.
In North Wales the police visited a pub and the DJ played the Peppa Pig theme tune.
They took offence to this act of complete disregard for the public servants in a blue uniform and asked the council for a review of the pub’s licence and the restriction of opening hours.


Owners of Cooney’s bar, Joanne Cooney and her husband Michael were handed a formal warning by Conwy Council’s licensing committee.


You saw it here first.
All you need do now is sing-a-long to Peppa Pig when the pigs are around and they may take offence to you and start picking on you.
Don't be bullied and always stay above them by TELLING them that they are public servants and you are their master or mistress.

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Re: Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Zero »

What a bunch of bullies the police are.
Everyone should go to their local McDonalds and video the police that go there and buy their suppers in taxpayers vehicles.
Video them parking on the kerb which is illegal.
Just get out and video the clowns and release them on the internet.
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Re: Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Mike »

The poor piggies got upset at hearing a children's television show theme tune.
Next time I pass a policeman I will whistle the Peppa Pig tune and see what happens.
If its a pretty pig woman then I will wolf whistle :lol:
Keep the bastards honest.
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Re: Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Rodders »

Since this story came out I have been whistling the Peppa Pig theme tune.
I have been practicing it for a while now and can do it very quickly.
I done it in a very busy shopping centre when a policeman walked by accompanied by his obligatory sidekick.
They looked but then looked away immediately.
What on earth can they do :lol:
They are only public servants who can overpower you if you upset another human being.
Had the Peppa Pig theme tune been offensive then fair enough but its only a children's television show.
Look at this picture I found - its so funny :lol:

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Re: Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Milkman »

I am surprised the fascist police haven't tried to get the Peppa Pig cartoons taken off the air :lol:
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Re: Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Jed »

There will be more to this story ;)
I hate it when the police act only when it suits themselves.
Asking the council to look at the pubs licence just because they were offended by Peppa Pig seems a bit below the belt.
Bullying anyone because of such a trivial thing is wrong but to use taxpayers money to do this is even worse.
Why don't the police just serve and protect the public instead of picking on people :?
Poor Peppa Pig will not be aware of this story and therefore has no right to intervene :lol:
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Re: Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Jester »

Watch out Mr law man, Peppa Pig is behind you :lol:

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Re: Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Tanner »

If something like Peppa Pig can upset the police so they go to these lengths just imagine what they are like if you park on double yellow lines. Worse still if you forget to put your seat belt on :lol:
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Re: Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Zombie »

So, what have we discovered here?
Police are frightened of Peppa Pig, they can take offence to someone who dares to call them a name or they are just proving how they can misuse public money?
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Re: Police in Wales Take Offence to DJ playing Peppa Pig Theme Tune

Post by Zero »

Zombie wrote:So, what have we discovered here?
That the police can and will victimise anyone who questions their "authority" :?
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