Police Stop and Search Without Reason

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Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Jester »

Police Stop and Search Without Reason

The police stop a female and insist on searching her.
Having no "real" grounds to stop and search her, they invent something so they have "reasonable grounds" to invade her privacy.

Apparently she was on a day out to see the Queen and the police discriminated against the woman in order to search her pockets.
They may have believed she had something to throw at Her Majesty, but whatever it was that made them stop and search her, they went overboard.

It is a prime example where the police, who are only public servants, decided to force their will onto an individual.

Be warned, the police who are really only slaves, can and will overpower you for no apparent reason.
According to the dictionary, rape has this as one of its definitions "an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation"

So, to "violate" is to rape - that's exactly what the police do to you when they violate you or your home.

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Re: Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Mike »

The police are a law unto themselves.
I like the idea of the alternative meaning to "violate" meaning "rape".
From now on if the police violate my space or person I can truly say they are guilty of rape.
They wont like it but you can only speak the truth ;)
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Re: Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Crab »

We must protect the Queen, mustn't we.
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Re: Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Zombie »

Crab wrote:We must protect the Queen, mustn't we.
I believe in that mind.
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Re: Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Jed »

So, these people went to see the Queen and the police made it their business to search them.
The police only have to have reasonable suspicions that you have done something wrong or suspect you could do something wrong.

On this occasion, it would appear that they searched that woman for the way she was dressed.
Wrong, I know, but they will be trying to ensure that the Queen passes without problems and will need to be seen to be active in that department.

I just wonder now, with all these terrorists about, if the police will be targeting those Islamic women who dress up in a way that you never know what is under their burkas. :?

Firstly, the police will not want to appear as if they are targeting those with a burka and secondly they would have to frisk the women with female police officers.

Remember also, that any terrorist or even ordinary people, can dress up with a burka so as to look like a woman and then do their evil deeds.

Can you imagine a massive crowd made up with the majority dressed in a burka :shock:
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Re: Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Rodders »

The police will stop you for anything.
They just have to have some "reasonable" grounds to do so.
With Her Majesty The Queen being in the vicinity its not surprising they will stop and search more people who attend.
Its bad when a public servant can think they can take it upon themselves to overcome the public to which they are serving.
Once the search is done though they go back to being a servant again.
The Queen needs protection so its a difficult one.
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Re: Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Robin Hood »

The last time I was stopped and searched was way back in my teenage years - decades ago and that was for nothing. Probably some bored copper with nothing to do.
That woman on the video though looks as if she dresses differently so maybe they stopped her for that - basically the unknown quantity :?
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Re: Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Mike »

Robin Hood wrote:Probably some bored copper with nothing to do.
I have had that before.
Apparently, I have heard that the police need some sort of quota for the day.
It could be you or it could be me, but it will be somebody they will stop.
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Re: Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Zero »

The woman's dress code was ok considering the whether and everyone else had suitable clothing on.
The police were being nice there.
The Queen does need protecting but the public are allowed to demonstrate.
I love the poster by the way, did she do it or her little kid :lol:
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Re: Police Stop and Search Without Reason

Post by Rodders »

Zero wrote: I love the poster by the way, did she do it or her little kid :lol:
Brilliant wasn't it :lol:
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