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Adverts and Donations

The Freedom Forum is also chained by red tape and constraints. So, we need this category to make announcements that affect the message boards. In fact, please make this area your first stop and watch for updates.
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Posts: 51
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:10 am
Location: Northumberland, UK

Adverts and Donations

Post by King »

Adverts and Donations

The Freeman Movement is for anyone, of course.
Funding of the site was initially paid for by a few of the staff.
We have decided that adverts could be displayed around all the areas of the Freeman Movement Network if we feel it necessary.
The reason is that we need a revenue source to fund things and adverts should bring in a small amount to keep the site running.

Donations will be acceptable once we activate the paypal button.
The King :fingers: