Our Mother Website

The Freedom Forum is also chained by red tape and constraints. So, we need this category to make announcements that affect the message boards. In fact, please make this area your first stop and watch for updates.
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Our Mother Website

Post by King »

We have changed domains recently for our blog.
The Freeman Movement website is our main blogging area for highlighting The Grand Deception.
It is a place that covers articles in more depth than you can usually do in the forum.

In effect, we are currently looking to increase the membership there.
We are particularly looking for people who can write blog posts about all matters concerning freedom.
All in all, your posts could be whatever you would post in the forum but perhaps a little more in depth.
You do not have to be a prolific writer as you can ask for help where needed.
If you just want to draw our attention to something then contact us.

Here is a link to our Freeman Movement website so, if you feel up to it, please consider registering. Obviously, we would love you to write some in-depth posts if they have a connection with freedom.
The King :fingers:
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Re: Our Mother Website

Post by Wax »

Thanks, King!
It is looking good.
I did notice that David Icke features two or three times :D
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