About Us – Freeman Movement:
The Freeman Movement is here for everyone and is a home for free thinking people. To begin with, we have a team of hard-working people dedicated to freedom. The Freedom Movement also opened our eyes to the deception and corruption all around us. Likewise, we decided to band together to seek change.
In brief, we concluded that we have all been deceived all our lives by tyrants who only have an interest in power. Obviously, to them, money is power! By and large, to become wealthy, the greedy tyrants have systematically empowered us all. So, their enslavement of the people is recognised by us and it’s time we reversed this!
Because we allow them get away with it, they are getting rich on our blood, sweat and tears. However, it doesn’t have to be this way! To put it differently, it’s about time the people took more control over their lives.
Obviously, people go out to work, even if they don’t like it. Working is fine, but when you do so while the globalists benefit far more than you, that is wrong. To begin with, people have no time to live life to start with. Moreover, they pay their taxes, they watch the brainwashing television and vote for greedy politicians. On balance, those same politicians want the public to have very little freedom. People go along with the system because they have to and it pays the bills!
Join Us:
However, the information and links provided here intend to inform the public and NOT to provide any form of advice. Please remember that each and every one of us have different circumstances. To explain, please read our disclaimer at the bottom of our Home Page.
We are also actively seeking others who love freedom and wish to share with us their knowledge and experience. Please consider joining with us and you can also post in the Freedom Blogs which will help spread the message by reaching out to the public. To put it another way, your information and knowledge might just be what someone else needs to help them in their own struggles, whatever they are.