Lawful vs Legal: Freeman Movement.

Lawful vs Legal: Introduction

This article is about the Lawful vs Legal argument. They are not the same, in fact they are opposites. However, the argument goes that legal rides on the back of lawful.

In today’s world, the words lawful and legal are often used interchangeably, but their meanings—and their implications—are profoundly different. Understanding this distinction is key to reclaiming your sovereignty and navigating the systems of governance and commerce with confidence and clarity.

At the Freeman Movement, we believe this knowledge empowers individuals to break free from unnecessary constraints and move toward true freedom.

The difference between lawful and legal.

To keep things simple, we are going to divide the law up into 3 categories. Then we shall get stuck into the Lawful vs Legal argument below.

Firstly, there is one truth that we do know for a fact, and that is The Universe exists. When The Universe came into existence, some 13.5 billion years ago, certain laws came with it which we can’t break. For example, the law of gravity. This law is universal and we can’t break it. There are a few more Laws of Physics which are universal, but we use gravity as an example.

You can jump off the ground and into the air, but eventually gravity will have you back on the ground again. Even if we use power to go into space, which mankind has achieved, the law of gravity is still with us. For instance, even when we escape the gravitational force of Earth, some other celestial body will exert its gravitational force on us. In other words, there is no such thing as zero gravity. Therefore, the law of gravity remains constant at all times.

So, from the above example, we can see that there are some laws that we can’t break. These universal laws are natural laws which apply everywhere and can’t be broke by anyone. They are laws we got from God, if you like.

Lawful v Legal: Law of gravity - falling to earth.

Without wanting to complicate matters, we shall keep the rest fairly basic and straightforward too.

The Common Law is a small collection of laws that enable human beings to live together in peace. They are small in number because they need to be easy to understand. The other name for the Common Law is the Law of the Land, of course. You can break the Common Law if you like, because unlike the laws of nature, they are man-made laws. But, you must accept a punishment if you do so. This is because they offer all human beings a means of protection.

The Common Laws are: Harm, Loss, Fraud and Breach of the Peace. In other words, don’t hurt anyone, don’t steal from another person, don’t breach your promises and don’t disturb anyone’s peace. In all cases, deliberately or accidentally. So, you should be accountable for all of your actions! Now, you should understand that the Common Law is basic common sense.

You can have a charge of grievous bodily harm or actual bodily harm, but basically they are all a spin off from the four Common Laws. There are other examples of a Common Law split which will determine the severity of the punishment.

When you stand under Common Law without breaking it, you are being lawful. If you break the Common Law, you are being unlawful.

In all cases of Common Law, there has to be a person who makes a complaint (complainant or alleged victim).

To keep thing simple, we are going to say that any other ‘law’ outside those types of law above (Natural Law and Common Law) is Admiralty Law or The Law of the Sea. However, just like Common Law, there are many divisions. In fact, there are literally thousands upon thousands of these ‘Admiralty laws’ in existence.

These are commerce laws involving contractual situations, and this is where the government and other parties rob you of your money. They will play their game using the system they invented and attempt to rob you of your cash. But, stick by the rules yourself, and you can win them EVERY TIME!

The government can invent these laws anytime they want in order to raise money. The police and the courts become the revenue collectors for the government, in effect. But, for them to rob you of your money, they need to get you to contract with them.

They do this through many methods, such as coercion, which is through force and intimidation. Then you will usually sign documents and say things which will bind you to their laws.

Remember that you only need to stand under the Laws of the Land and NOT their insane Laws of Commerce (Admiralty Law).

In order to fall into their clutches and their stupid made-up laws, you need to consent. So, when you sign things and speak to them, you are making joinder with them. That is your consent. So, the secret is to not connect with them.

When the police say, “you do not have to say anything,” take their advice. But, you really need to research everything specific to your circumstances because every case is different.

In all cases of Admiralty Law, some form of business will take place and usually YOU will pay.

Blackboard: Only yes means what it says.

Lawful is rooted in natural law, the universal principles that have existed since time immemorial. These principles are based on what is inherently right or just. Lawful actions align with moral ethics, common sense, and the fundamental principles of fairness. It’s the essence of doing no harm, honouring your agreements, and living in harmony with others.

Lawful concepts are simple and direct. They do not rely on statutes, regulations, or intricate codes. Instead, they reflect our shared understanding of justice and equity. For instance:

  • Taking another person’s property without permission is universally recognized as unlawful.
  • Harming someone else violates natural law, regardless of written statutes.

Being lawful is about aligning with your conscience, your fellow human beings, and the natural order.

Legal is a construct of human-made systems—rules and regulations created by governments and corporations to govern society. Unlike natural law, legal frameworks are often convoluted, filled with jargon, and open to interpretation. These rules are designed to regulate, monetize, and control aspects of human behaviour.

Here’s the key: Legal systems almost always involve money. From fines to court fees to taxes, the legal system serves as a mechanism for financial extraction. When you engage with what is “legal,” you often enter into a contract or agreement, even unknowingly, that places you in a commercial relationship.

For example:

  • Parking your car in the wrong spot might not harm anyone (it’s not unlawful), but you could still face a fine because it violates a municipal legal code.
  • Registering your vehicle or property creates a legal obligation to pay fees or adhere to certain conditions, even though you might have an inherent right to use these things without interference.

Legal systems operate under the principle of consent—explicit or implied. By participating in these systems, you often unknowingly agree to their rules, creating obligations to comply with statutes that may not serve your best interests.

The difference between lawful and legal boils down to this:

  1. Lawful reflects your inherent rights and responsibilities as a human being. It is universal, fair, and moral.
  2. Legal involves systems of governance and commerce that require your participation and often seek your consent to impose obligations.

By recognizing these distinctions, you can reclaim your sovereignty. You are a living man or woman, not a corporate entity bound by endless legal obligations.

The legal system is, at its heart, a business. Its primary function is not to uphold justice, but to generate revenue. Here’s how:

  • Fines and penalties: These are legal consequences for violating rules, even if no one was harmed.
  • Licences and permits: These require payment to access what should often be your natural rights, such as travelling or building on your land.
  • Court systems: Legal disputes come with hefty fees for attorneys, filing, and court appearances.

In many ways, the legal system creates problems only to sell you solutions. It monetizes conflict, compliance, and control.

Common Law ALWAYS supersedes Maritime Admiralty Law, so once you understand this, you can exercise your rights. The Common Law (Law of the Land) governs you, the land dweller. On the other hand, Admiralty Law governs vessels on the water. In order to make this clear, Admiralty Law is a set of laws that allow commerce to be uniform world-wide – the UCC.

UCC stands for Uniform Commercial Code, and all international trade operates under this law. So, how does a law which governs international trade and vessels on water impose itself on humans?

This is done through trickery and assumed consent. For example, when the police ask “do you understand” and you say yes, you have just made a contract through consent. But, when the police talk to you, remember the Three Golden Rules.

Of course, there are many other tricks that they use, and then there is the Law of Acquiescence. To acquiesce means to accept or comply, and this happens when you say nothing or ignore a demand, for instance. In other words, you have given consent by your inaction.

So, you need to engage with them if they make a demand on you or force you into doing something against your will. Don’t ignore their demands, you need to fight back – properly!

The common misconception amongst people, is that any rule or regulation that governs them, falls under one thing – The Law. However, the majority of those rules and regulations do not apply to you unless you consent. In order for them to apply to you, there needs to be a contract where you willingly consent. See the section on Legalese below.

Shaking hands in a contractual situation.
Only make a contract when it suits you best!

After you understand the differences between the two man-made laws above, you should now see that Lawful and legal are two different things. Break the Common Law and you stand in a Common Law Court and if guilty, you receive a punishment. On the other hand, “break” Admiralty Law (contracts and such like), then you need to fight them legally. Legal issues are always going to involve money in some way.

For example, you forget to renew your TV licence, and they take you to court, where is the victim? In this case, no other human is going to make a claim against you. But, how is it that you inevitably pay them a sum of money, and in some cases, get a criminal record?

This is because somewhere along the line, you gave your consent to go into their system. Every year recently, there is an average of 180,000 prosecutions for having no television licences, and some of these end up with a prison sentence.

Where is the victim, should you not wear your seat belt in the car? When they take your money off you for doing this, it’s clear that you are the victim. In effect, they are the thieves! Likewise, where is the victim if you smoke dope? We would advise against this for your own good, but why pay them money should you choose to do this?

Common Law is easy to understand and is the lawful bit. Legal (Admiralty Law) involves contracts which you consent to, but they assume that you are consenting all the time. Maritime Admiralty Law is international law which governs business on water. Therefore, you need to ensure that you stay within the Common Law (Law of the Land) at all times.

Lawful vs legal: Law courts robbery - they want your money.
The courts just want your money!

Legalese is the language that members of the law society use. It is an English lookalike, but many words have different meanings in order to trick you. Just remember that these people want your money, and legalese is another trick they use in order to get it.

We use the word “understand” often, but in legalese it means do you stand under me and everything I stand for. Once you say yes to the question, “do you understand,” say goodbye to some of your money or even your freedom. So, by now you should realise that they are using a foreign language, even though it looks like English, in order to do you under Admiralty Law.

You need to study their words and cross-reference them in law dictionaries in order to find out what they are saying to you. For instance, the word “must” in legalese means “may.” So, this implies you have a choice. Next time you look at the highway code, look at the word “must,” they highlight it in red. But there are many words like this in legalese.

Since everyone’s circumstances are different, you need to do a lot of research of your own in order to fight these people off. They will stop at nothing in order to get at your money. Of course, you are nothing more than a slave to them.

Indeed, for you to make money, you need to work hard. So, when they use trickery, force, legalese and coercion etc., it is them cracking their whip. In effect, they are the criminals!

It makes no difference whether you are fighting a lawful or legal case, legalese is what they use to stuff you! There are numerous books on the market so that you can learn the difference between our normal English and their legalese.

For example, there is the Black’s Law Dictionary. However, be aware that over time, their legalese is always evolving. If you are going to win them at their own game, they will only accept legalese in their courts (the place they play their games). So, arm yourself with the meaning of their words!

There is no such thing as a victimless crime, so why are we allowing it to happen? In the first place, they just want some money off you, and they will do anything to get it. Admiralty Law is complex, but if you keep out of it and stay within Common Law, they can’t touch you. However, it’s big business to some, and they will use all the tricks under the sun to take your cash.

So, the idea is to keep them in the Criminal Law system (Common Law). If you let them suck you into their Civil Law (Admiralty Law), you are accepting this as the law and it becomes criminal. Therefore, we are allowing ourselves to become a criminal even when there is no victim.

When the government wants to raise money, they will invent another set of rules. You need to comply with these new rules, or they will fine you. That is NOT the Law of the Land, that is an oppressive government on one of their money-making business ventures! Hopefully, by now, you can see the differences in the Lawful vs Legal argument.

The Freeman Movement is not saying that any of their new rules are bad. However, if they really care about the public, they should be releasing advice using a decent education system. They should not dictate and rob if you disobey them. After all, most people have common sense, and we have the Common Law to live under.

At the Freeman Movement, we champion the idea of standing in your power as a Freeman on the Land. This means aligning yourself with what is lawful rather than what is legal, rejecting unjust systems of control, and reclaiming your right to live freely without harm or interference.

To do this, you must:

  1. Educate Yourself: Learn the difference between natural law and legal statutes.
  2. Assert Your Rights: Stand firm in your lawful rights and question any implied obligations. Your right to rebel against tyranny is paramount.
  3. Withdraw Consent: Recognize where you are unknowingly consenting to legal systems and find ways to opt out.

Remember: You are not a number, a contract, or a corporation. You are a sovereign being with unalienable rights. Choosing lawful living over legal compliance is an act of courage, wisdom, and integrity. It is a step toward reclaiming your freedom and inspiring others to do the same.

Let’s create a movement where humanity thrives—not under the weight of legal entanglements but in the uplifting spirit of lawful living. Together, we can shape a world where justice and equity prevail, free from the unnecessary burden of money-driven systems.

On this page we see the Lawful vs Legal argument, but remember we have simplified things. Human beings do have conflicts with each other. Sometimes we break the Common Law (harming or negatively affecting other people) and take the punishment.

Admiralty Law takes care of the rest, but it’s not criminal except if you consent. Indeed, that is all about money, and if you play them at their own game, you can win them.

In short, think about Lawful and Unlawful, not Legal and Illegal. Legal issues are NOT the Law, but it can be if you consent. Finally, check out our page on The Police and The Courts. But remember, the Freeman Movement never gives legal advice or implies that it does so.

Although you may comment on this Lawful vs Legal article here, you can also discuss this in the Freedom Forum. In fact, you may open up a thread abut anything under the sun. However, freedom is what we strive for, and our message boards are mainly about that!

Embrace your power, live lawfully, and be free but don’t forget you may also be able to use lawful rebellion. Welcome to the Freeman Movement!

Lawful vs Legal: The Court System.


  1. Hi my name is darren smith and recently returning from Cornwall on two occasion I received two speeding tickets via fixed cameras. Unfortunately I opened the first one and then thought I check out common law as like common law states, the letter was addressed to DARREN SMITH
    And not Darren Smith
    So does anyone know what my standing is and where to go from here? I was only doing 69mph in a 60mph limit and the letter only mention about complete I g the for to confirm I was that person.

    1. That letter is addressed to your strawman and not you as in the flesh and blood you. When you answer to the name you are consenting to take liability for that name and the resulting consequences.

      Do some research before you decide what to do.

  2. I send back on letter solicitation/court attempts (in red; 45 degree slant across):
    All Right Reserved, Ab Initio
    Without Prejudice
    Pursuant to:
    ~15 USCS~1692e;
    ~28 USCS~1391;
    ~28 USCS~455(4);
    ~31 USCS~3729.
    Clearfield Doctrine

    1. Hi there. Love the idea of using the USC – but curious as to how the US code is applicable in other countries. Currently in NZ and pretty sure that this will be thrown back at me at some point in the journey of fighting this ongoing fraud. Any advice would be much appreciated.

  3. Is there a place to buy your book Freedom is more than a seven letter word? My amazon order was cancelled without explanation.

  4. I want to make a private complaint about my neighbour leaving 2 shipping containers at the back of my mums private property and it’s stopped her from living her last bit of life as she has terminal cancer and the guys says No I’m not moving it
    It’s more disrespectful to my mum and personal to me he was a friend but not anymore sorry!
    Anyone got a PDF for a complaint I don’t have time to learn the form side of thing’s I know How to sign it Without Prejudice !

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