Rob Menard

Rob Menard is a Canadian truth seeker. However, the Freeman Movement is universal as a rule, and is not governed by borders. With this in mind, Rob’s observations, explanations and opinions are worth taking note of and he clearly gets the message over. He is the director of the World Freemen Society and also one of the founders of Freeman on the Land (FMOTL).

Rob Menard Has Had His Critics

In brief, Rob Menard has had his fair share of critics over the years, some good, some bad. As a rule, people should view Rob as an equal and listen to his views before making judgements. Nevertheless, any person who teaches others to become free from enslavement is a friend of our movement. Rob, like others in our movement, should not be used as the sole source when it comes to legal matters. For one thing, your own issues will be unique and you will need to do your own research.
Rob Menard - Canadian truth seeker - lawful rebellion - influential people

Rob Menard’s experience can’t be overlooked

Robert Menard’s Videos

In this video, Rob Menard is interviewed on television where he also explains the ideas behind Freeman-on-the-Land.

The Grand Deception – Rob Menard.

Rob is also a poet and comedian.

CBC National investigates.


All in all, The Freeman Movement admires people who question authority and Rob does just that. Correspondingly, Rob Menard is inspirational and has made his mark within the Freeman Movement. Rob has a wealth of experience and is only too willing to share this with us. Indeed, you may find some of his work useful to yourself. But, please remember that your issues will be unique to you.

Study Rob Menard and take what you need from him, but please study others too. If you wish to win the tyrants at their own game, you need to also arm yourself with knowledge. So it makes sense to learn as much as you can.

Study Rob Menard Further

Robert Arthur Menard also has his own youtube channel.
Rob’s Facebook fan page
Rob’s Twitter feed is here.


Share your thoughts about Robert Menard here by registering and also making a comment or two. If you know of anyone else who deserves credit for their contribution to Lawful Rebellion etc., then contact us with detailed information. Finally, please consider joining the Freedom Forum and have your say. Obviously the forums have sections for Lawful Rebellion and Freeman-on-the-Land issues. In effect, by sharing your experiences you are helping others to open their eyes too.

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12 Responses to Rob Menard

  1. Hello, I just found out about Rob Menard “freedom” information and would like to learn more.
    Is there website out there with all his teachings an documents I can learn from ? I see he was on tweeter last on Dec.20 2020. Is there anywhere else I can find Rob’s teachings? Thank you kindly, Honorata

  2. Carol Knox says:

    I found Rob’s talks years ago when I was seeking information about the Income Tax Act. With what I learned from him, Wilfred Bruce and a few others, I gained the all knowledge and courage necessary to successfully stop paying income tax 8-9 years ago. Long story short, I hadn’t filed in 4 years when the Feds caught up with me – but I was ready for them – so, I meticulously filled out all 4 forms exactly as Mr. Bruce advised and sent them all together in one envelope to Winnipeg. (Jesus hates a coward, right?) A few weeks later, GST rebates for all 4 years arrived in my mailbox. I think that might have been their admission of defeat as I haven’t heard from them again since.
    For the last 2 years I feared that all hope for humanity was lost to the “plandemic” forever until, last week when Kelly Anne Wolfe shared one of Rob’s videos on fb. I’m already just about 1/2 way through his mrmittee YouTube videos and have downloaded a bunch of LSAT tests, which I’ll be taking daily for the next 30-40 days as he recommends.
    I just want whoever reads this to know how profoundly inspired and appreciative I am for all his great advice and the many resources he’s made freely available over the years.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless, protect and prosper you, sir.

    • Lou says:

      Hi Carol
      I was wondering if I could connect with you?

      I am learning alot myself but need a bit of direction

    • sarina says:

      Hi Carol.. can you give me the link to the mrmittee YouTube videos?
      Thanks.. I need to get started.. lol

    • Melissa says:

      Hi Carol

      Could you please provide me the link to the forms needed to be filled out and also a
      copy of how Mr Bruce filled them out.

      Your help is greatly appreciated I’m on a very tight timeline to get these forms filled out

    • Tim garner says:

      Hi Carol, I’ve just found out about him myself.
      But can’t find much content,about tax etc.
      As his YouTube channel has been terminated.
      Is there any chance you could point me in the direction.
      Thanks in advance

    • Darryl says:

      Hi Carol, have you got copies of those tax docs? I’ve had my bank account seized and need to get on this right away. Thanks!

  3. Anthony says:

    Hi Carol,

    Congratulations on your successes. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to connect with me. I have been on this path since 2016 and given your success would like to compare notes and if possible to provide me some direction and guidance.

    Amongst other things filling out tax forms per yourself and Wilfred Bruce and how it is done to break the chains of involuntary servitude.

  4. Janice says:

    the website is gone:

    This domain name expired on 2022-12-31 15:21:55
    Click here to renew it.

  5. Philip says:

    Ive known about Robert Menard gotta be going on 17 years or so. Ive spoken to him a couple of times. I have to admire his research and I know of his reasons why he has done what he has done.
    Robert is the enemy of many a judge in BC, Alberta, and Quebec because the Judicial system is so arrogant, especially in Canada. They don’t like being called out and Robert Menard was very very good at doing just that, in other words using their laws against them. If I’m not mistaken he can’t represent anyone in BC he is a marked man so to speak.
    Rob is one of the precious few who stand up and say hold up what’s wrong with that picture? you can’t help but admire his dedication to the Freeman concept although the RCMP and that Canadian DOJ would love to see him disappear as it were.

  6. Layne TEPLESKI says:

    Is there a group on Vancouver Island that meets to discuss topics
    On these and other freeman subjects ??
    I’d like to learn

  7. Wake Up says:

    Im very Motivated and inspiried by this movment I might even start a youtube chanel about it.

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