Freedom Account: Introduction
There is no doubt about it; we all need a new beginning at some point or other. Your freedom account is in the hands of others, so it’s time to take back what is rightfully yours.
Indeed, in our day-to-day lives, we get on with things and live for the moment. We then reach a certain point, where a problem pops up, and we need to deal with it, whatever it may be. Some problems we solve in an instant, while others can drag on for years. But, when the problems come to us from our own government, how can we possibly deal with them?

Public Servants
To begin with, Lawful Rebellion can give you the option to take back control of your freedom account. The governments that we have ruling over us are public servants and, as such, should be serving us. In some cases, they do, but in far too many cases, they don’t. Moreover, they have imposed their ways onto us and if you go against them, you stand to lose every time.
Indeed, to them, we are just slaves—nothing more and nothing less. These public servants abuse the positions that we give them, and then they begin to beat us with a stick. In essence, they should do as we tell them and work for us, but they don’t.
Just look at the way they act in parliament as well, you can see they are playing a game of some sort. Of course, on the face of it, things look fine and dandy. However, make no mistake, things are not what they seem.
Those public servants are obviously in it for either themselves, or they serve something that we can’t see. In fact, both are true. While they look after their own interests, they are serving something that we can’t see, hear, or touch, but we can smell them. Then have a look at how they are voting against us while they hold office. That’s right, they are stabbing us in the back for giving them a job!

The Machine Has Your Freedom Account
Those that our elected politicians serve are an invisible group that even they can’t see and certainly don’t even know about. Upon election, they take up their seat only after their indoctrination. Of course, now they know their limits. Indeed, they know what they can and can’t do or what and what not to say. But they still don’t know why!
We can’t make it any clearer. In essence, what we have are money-grabbing career people willing to stab their employers (us) in the back. This is while they look after themselves and vote for their own conscience. Not only that, but the way they vote is usually against their employers (us). But at the end of the day, it is the machine that they are serving and not us.
What is the machine? Well, this is an invisible force that controls all. They are the puppet masters at the top of the tree that our public servants really work for. It’s them that control everything, and if our public servants, or us, go against them, they will bite back. But they will ALWAYS get their pound of flesh.
Indeed, this invisible force will use the police, the courts, and the government against us. That’s correct; all those are public servants that should be serving the public are against you. In effect, your freedom account comes under the control of those at the top of the tree.
Since we can’t see this force, and neither can their puppets, it’s clear that they are going to be difficult to deal with. Of course, by using our employees to work against us, they have us by the short and curlies, that’s for sure. OK, then, at the top is the invisible force; then come the governments of individual countries who we place there to serve us. Then we have the other public servants below that who cover the administration. In other words, they oil the machine.
Each link in the chain is vital to the other, and each individual lives in fear of upsetting their master. Remember though that we are their REAL masters of the public servants; that’s pretty clear. However, we still allow the tyrants to harm us!

Once you throw a spanner in the works, you can bet your life they will come after you. In most cases, they will attack you under cover of a fictitious “law“. But whatever you do that stops the flow of money from you to them, they will throw whatever is necessary at you in order to take your money.
Also remember that money is just energy units that you spend time to earn. So basically, they are after your time. In other words, they want a part of your life that God gave you in which to live free!
Each part of the machine makes money (people’s energy units) along the way. Ultimately, those at the top can never lose out, because they use the system below them, paid by us, to ensure their bank accounts grow bigger. The playing field is not level, so a new beginning or fresh start may suit some people. You can start by learning how to become free here at the Freeman Movement.
We explain what money is here, but think of it as energy units or sweat units if you like. This is what the invisible force wants, even though they control 99% of it to begin with. They just want tight control over it, and it’s us, the slaves, who must work for them.
For example, we go to work, and they demand a proportion of our earnings, which we shouldn’t, by law, pay them**. Shock, horror, some will say, “But how will they provide services?” We don’t need to discuss that for the time being; however, if you don’t give them your money, they will imprison you.
Another example is when the court system unlawfully makes you pay money to corporations regardless of your counter-argument. Again, if you don’t pay, these people will break down your door and then take away your property. They WILL take their pound of flesh.
The list of things they will take money off you for is endless, of course. But they wrongly say “it’s the law” when it isn’t. Moreover, they have the bullying and unlawful courts to complete the illusion. Since people don’t want to live in fear of this sort of “punishment,” they pay up. But where is all our money going?
**The governments employ people, such as the army personnel, who kill people and, in the future, will continue to murder innocent people in conflict. It’s unlawful to aid and abet a crime, so pay them, and you are supporting their crimes and breaking the law!
OK, if you are happy with the system of enslavement, then carry on working your socks off for the slave-masters. That’s fine; you can have the latest car or TV and then give the illusion that you are better than your peers. But you will not be happy, and more importantly, you are not better than anyone else!
Slaves are happy to go along with the system because some actually feel as if they are better than others, while the rest live in fear and feel that they have to carry out orders, or else………….
The fact is that 1% of the world’s population owns 99% of everything, while 99% of the world’s population has to share out 1% among itself. This seems so unfair, but it’s true. Not only that, but a small percentage of the 1% is super rich, and we mean super rich!
Now it’s beginning to click why our puppet governments do what they do to upset us. They need to feed the super rich in order to survive. If they don’t perform, it’s over for them, so this is why governments shaft the people. But a new beginning is just around the corner if you want it!

Your Freedom Account
Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right
Now that you know of the many deceptions and that the super rich are in charge and that most people are modern-day slaves, can you break free? Can you stop feeding the Super Rich and stop payments to the unlawful killing machine? Of course, you can! Many people have already chosen a new beginning—free from the chains of slavery.
Obviously, you can reject the system fully and send in your Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right. Once you understand how they assume that you are their property and, as such, their slave, you can tell them thanks, but no, thanks, and walk away free. And, more importantly, without recriminations.
By serving upon those who assume control over you, your Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right, you become free from their claws.
However, they will still assume that you are part of their society and continue to come after you for your money. So, after breaking free from slavery, you still need to protect yourself. Therefore, you need to have an armoury full of knowledge and documentation. Then, when they make unlawful claims against you, whatever it is, you can then make a counter-claim against them for breaching your peace and extortion.
Their Society
For those who don’t understand what a society is, click here. In short, you need to sign up to any society; this is very clear. But none of us have done that. So, your Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right tells them that you no longer stand under their society’s terms and conditions. Your membership of their society has been an assumption for all your lives, and with that, your freedom account is in their hands.
They assume you are a member of their society, and you also assume that you are a member. But you can’t be, either legally or lawfully. Without a contract, you can’t possibly be a member; this is clear. So, it’s up to you whether you want your freedom account back. In other words, a fresh start, free from slavery.
You have a choice: continue the assumption of membership and remain a slave, or tell them that you are walking away free for a new beginning. Whatever path you choose, the road will remain rocky until your mindset is clear. Slavery allows you to buy more stuff that we don’t really need, but in return you give them your energy units and time.
Taking back control of your freedom account allows you to work only for the things we really need while spending less time at it. As a result, you begin to live again as God intended—free!
In Conclusion: Your Freedom Account
When you were born, you were born free. You were not born to have all sorts of rules and restrictions placed upon you. As long as you don’t harm another human being, you should be able to do what you like. Of course, you get one crack at life and your freedom account started at conception.
Stand under the common law, because that is the law of the land, and it is right to do so. However, you should opt in or out of their rules depending upon whether they benefit you or not.

To whom it may consern,
I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out to express my observations and seek guidance on a matter of great importance – the legal avenues available for individuals seeking to alter their taxation status.
In my recent interactions with various forums and websites, I have encountered challenges that lead me in circles regarding the pertinent subject of freeing oneself from taxation obligations. Despite multiple attempts, my searches for Canadian income tax templates and related information have yielded no results. This has left me puzzled, as the primary expectation from such platforms should be to provide clear information and steps on how individuals can legally emancipate themselves from tax obligations.
I find it perplexing that, despite the evident demand, there is a lack of easily accessible information on the homepage of these forums and websites. The absence of a central resource outlining the legal process to liberate oneself from income tax obligations in Canada, the United States, and the UK is notably conspicuous.
My inquiry is motivated by a genuine curiosity about why this information is not readily available and whether there are specific barriers hindering its accessibility. I am eager to understand if there are intricacies or recent changes that may have contributed to the challenges I am currently facing.
I am reaching out in the hope that you or your team could provide guidance or direct me to reliable resources where I can access government templates and a comprehensive guide outlining the legal steps to cease paying income tax in Canada.
I am genuinely seeking clarity on the processes involved. Furthermore, I am interested in understanding any recent developments in this area.
I appreciate your time and attention to this matter. If there are specific forums, websites, or government resources that you recommend, or if there have been recent changes in the legal landscape that I may not be aware of, I would be grateful for your insights.
Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your response.
kevin Hopf
780-201-7890 text me call me